Thursday, November 14, 2024

BlackRock: The Conspiracies You Don’t Know

Trust the universe to give you what you need - Alan Watts

"You DESERVE to LOSE the Senate, the House, and the Presidency!" - Jorda...

Common Law Right Society Presents... Independence? Independence from what? Taxation? This country began in rebelling against Taxation without true representation?

Fury in Parliament, MPs booted from House as Treaty Bill passes first re... Protesting INJUSTICE? What is undermining freedom in Australia?

MP rips up bill, leads haka as NZ parliament erupts over Waitangi treaty...

The Nondual Self [no music version]


Elon Musk Just Exposed The Carnivore Diet For Good

Reaching Remote BUSHMEN Tribes in Kalahari Documentary - Sebastian Tirtirau

IT'S ALL LIES!! Prosperity and Health, only for Oligarchs! But you choose to sleep, and do drugs?

Why is NCIS obsessed with Israel? How much of a THREAT to civilians is such action? What if the United States Military Government did something like this here on United States Soil?

America’s Toxic Seed Oil Crisis: What RFK Jr. Just Exposed! - Doctor Reacts

"THEY ARE TRAITORS " Congress Completely SILENT As Senator Ted Cruz UNLE... Injustice must be exposed. Your constant pressure, (your voice) is necessary. Media controlled by Oligarchs, cannot be trusted to abolish evil, your help is needed.

I'm Honored To Be Selected Director of National Intelligence. I'm Honored To Be Selected Director of National Intelligence We must not drop the ball now. Our desire for a true Government of the People. Keep letting them know correction is necessary! Keep up the momentum and make this message CLEAR.

"The Elites Want To ROB Us of Our SOVEREIGNTY!" | Robert F Kennedy & Cal...

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

It's Already Happening But People Don't See It - Alan Watts On A Broken ...

Former CIA agent talks why JFK files still aren't public He probably knows the true answer. The 61 year old TRUTH would probably expose the (ongoing?) criminal behavior of a, or some Government Agency's.

Notice that this interview took place 32 years ago! The Real "Mr. X": Colonel Fletcher Prouty Interview by EIR

My Role For President Donald Trump's Transition To The White House

Hum? A Short Story About You

Global COVID Vaccine Recall? Netflix Offices Raided in France & A New Study Pushes Global Recall on C...

Election Night Trick to CUT BENEFITS!? Former SSA Insider FACT CHECKS!

Why the Democratic Party CANNOT and WILL NOT be Reformed

Why The Two-State Solution Never Worked