Wednesday, June 12, 2024

CHINA: Mental Health & Pressure || 中国的压力

别撒谎了|| Americans start to see through Western Propaganda

CHINA vs USA: The Streets || 美国vs中国......震惊 Weighing advantages vis disadvantages, but not all are made clear or even exposed in this video.


FENTANYL KILLS: It's in the Weed The risk may be very real!

China's Social Credit System - How to live in the world's biggest Prison... The United States appears to want this?

Top 7 Foods That Clean Out Arteries

Is Biden's Ceasefire Deal Just Political Theater?

China Shock! (June 12, 2024) US and Philippines Sent 2 B-1B Bombers to H...

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Give Up On Enlightenment

Why Are US Military Bases so Dangerous?

HUGE WIN! 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules Covid Vaccines Are NOT Vacc...

Russia's Nuclear Warships ARRIVE in Cuba, U.S. in STRIKING distance | Re...

$100b Slaughterbots. Godfather of AI shows how AI will kill us, how to a...

Lindsy Graham Reveals Real Reason For Ukraine War. Hum, Minerals, it figures.

Biden Wants U.S. Troops To Fight For Saudi Arabia In Exchange for Israel...

"I Can't Believe This is Actually Happening in America!!" | Jordan Peterson

I Found Something Awful in China - I NEED to WARN You About This. The good they prevent sharing! This they allow.

The World WON'T Believe China's New Infrastructure (America Failed)